Friday, February 22, 2008

Musings on Screwtape 5

You have let a soul slip through your fingers. The howl of sharpened famine for that loss re-echoes at this moment through all the levels of the Kingdom of Noise down to the very Throne itself.

In an earlier letter, Screwtape calls hell the Kingdom of Noise and revels in the wonder of noise. It is this that sparks a memory of a talk I once heard at the MTC. Henry B. Eyring spoke of the "gift of quiet," and his sentiments struck a chord with me. He said something to the effect of, "You will know, someday, why it is that your parents asked you to turn your stereo down." I know that now! There is something about quiet that enables us to see more clearly; we are faced with reality which often, for me, brings a sense of what I need to repent of. It may be uncomfortable at first, but when acted upon brings that other antonym of noise: Peace.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

It's interesting how there's so very little of quiet now. Even when there's nothing going on, there's noise everywhere. Not just sound. You can be in a forest of noisy birds and it can feel quiet, or in a silent theater and it's noisy. There's very little true peace and quiet.