Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Mormon Bible

I have posted these two videos on youtube to explain to the "world" what it sounds like to a Mormon to hear someone say, "Mormon's have their own Bible!"

Hope they're enjoyable...


Anonymous said...

Which do you love more the Holy Bible or the Book of Mormon? Whom do you esteem more Jesus Christ or Joseph Smith? The problem is your not being completely forthright here. Most Mormons I know do not believe in the Bible completely as the inerrant Word of God, but you think that their are errors within these scriptures and thus your need for the book of Mormon. But yet the Bible has historic lineage and we can trace the bible for hundreds of years back to the earliest manuscripts. Can you do that with the Book of Mormon? You violate the Law of Non-Contradiction here. On one hand you discredit the Bible because you claim it has errors, but yet we can't even do that with the Book of Mormon because it has no historical lineage. At least with the bible we (Christians) can at least cross reference other historical text to support the Bible, but yet where is that with the book of Mormon? Scientist have already disproven the whole DNA issue with American Indians, so your the one who needs to be honest here. Just like you deceive people into thinking your Christians. Why is it your religion is so secretive and not out in the open in how you believe. Tell people you believe in Satan and Jesus being brothers, tell people about becoming "gods" when they die and go to the 7 levels of heaven, tell people about baptizing the dead, instead you hide behind padded answers and are never completely open.

Abinadi's Pupil said...

Wow. Thanks so much for the comment. You, my anonymous observer, are the first to comment on my site. Let me answer your first two questions here, and later I will address the others--perhaps in a post or a video or both.

The Holy Bible and the Book of Mormon are both the Word of God. Both may contain the "mistakes of men," but both are inspired by God. Those who wrote did so by the inspiration of His Holy Spirit. I can't say that I love either more than the other. I need both.

I esteem Jesus Christ, the Son of God and my Savior much much much much more than Joseph Smith, hands down. Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son of God, the Redeemer of the world, the Holy One of Israel, the Creator and the Lord of the Universe, the Master of Life and Death, the Prince of Peace, and the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Joseph Smith is His prophet (one of them anyway). I esteem Joseph as one who revealed the Savior's word just as Moses or Jeremiah, but the miracle is that Joseph did so more recently--at a time when we really need to be hearing from the Lord our God.